Chordeleg - Azuay - Ecuador

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Chordeleg - Azuay - Ecuador

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Chordeleg is a canton in the province of Azuay, in Ecuador.
The date of cantonization is April 15, 1992. It is famous for its crafts, such as ceramics, hand embroidery and jewelry, has dozens of jewelry in which highlights the wonderful works of goldsmithing of its inhabitants.

It is a recognized canton around the world for its wonderful cultural content that is unique for the great quality of its works in handicrafts, be they in clay, straw shawl or noble metals. In the cantonal center there are more than a hundred jewelers, where you can find countless masterpieces in gold, silver, white gold and other metals used for thousands of years by the inhabitants of these latitudes.

Economic development of the Chordeleg Canton

The ceramics, the jewelery, the shoe store, the fabrics and the toquilla straw, has made Chordeleg a craft center of great importance at a national and international level. Nowadays, the artisans of the sector have developed their initiatives and have established policies of attention to production and artisanal productivity, linked to a tourism development plan.

Places to visit in Chordeleg

Archaeological vestiges of LLaber

Llaber is one of the archaeological vestiges, belonging to the Cañarí culture, most important in the entire austral region.
Most of this archaeological complex, is constituted by a series of walls and terraces. The monumentality of the walls of up to 7 meters. of height by 140 of length, and its strategic situation allows to suppose that the site could have conformed a ceremonial place or sacred of the Cañarí Culture.

municipal Museum

Created in 1983, formerly known as the Chordeleg Community Museum, today the Municipal Interpretation Center, it shows in summary form part of the cultural wealth of Chordeleg, from the aboriginal or pre-Hispanic times to the current manifestations of popular culture, especially evidences in the craft work.
Thousands of archaeological pieces, mostly gold objects, disappeared from the moment they were found (late nineteenth century) either because they were melted by the huaqueros to turn them into physical gold ingots, or because many collections left Chordeleg to enrich the Heritage of some museums of the country and especially Museums of Europe and the United States.

The largest Candonga in the world

This beautiful work is exhibited in the Municipal Museum and has become a symbol that identifies Chordeleg as an eminently artisanal town, measuring approximately 1.80 high by 1.00 wide, in its confection, 18,000 thousand grams of pure silver (AG) were used and its elaboration and completion took an approximate time of two months.
This earring was designed in Filigree, has a pyramidal shape, consists of a trefoil upper part followed by two half moons with hanging handles of blades whose ends are joined to the clover, in the middle it has a beautiful and delicate weave of fine threads of silver with which it is giving shape to an elegant embroidery.


Beautiful natural park located 10 minutes from the cantonal center, access can be done by vehicle or walking. It is characterized by the existence of a huge stone in the shape of a top next to the banks of the river of the same name, of which some legends are told. Ideal place to enjoy together with the family its majesty and beauty.
Legend has it that years ago, in the sector of Shabalula (near the Sígsig) lived some very naughty devils and near there, on the hill of Chocar, there was a huge stone, in the shape of a spinning top, place of worship of the indigenous people of area.

El Chorro del Tasqui

Located 45 minutes from the parish center of San Martín de Puzhio.
The water, forest and soil resources make the Tasqui one of the main sources of water supply for Chordeleg and several communities. During the tour you will appreciate the beauty of the landscape, flora and fauna that are still preserved in their purest state.

The three lagoons

Located 25km from Chordeleg next to the mythical Cerro Fasayñan. Access is by vehicle to the Parish Center and a 7Km section is continued walking.
From the rocks of the mountains a cascade originates, as if it were silver threads; suddenly the water descends and seems suspended in the air to inexorably rest in the first lagoon. This ceremony forms a charming triad of three water mirrors of scenic beauty and landscape.
Ideal natural environment for a trip of several days, for its flora, fauna, primary forest, mountains and streams that surround it.

Fasayñan Volcano

The majestic and unique witness of the Cañari culture, where myths, legends, stories and mysticism are kept, pride reflected in his gallant posture accompanied by a sunset with the blue sky or a moonlit night accompanied by the stars. The highest peak is at 3907msm, covered with volcanic rock that dominates all the landscapes of the area. Considered as the guardian of the people who have lived at their feet for centuries, from the small nomadic tribes to the warmth of their current inhabitants. Reach the summit through a 6-hour tour, and it will be compensated with a panoramic view for the four cardinal points never seen before, an experience that can become the wish of many people you count on.

 Filigree jewelery

Chordeleg is famous for craftsmanship in jewelry, which is demonstrated in its large number of craft shops; where you will be able to find infinity of gold and silver jewels, elaborated with very complex techniques by our skilled artisans. Chordeleg is also well known for making handicrafts in ceramics, wood, embroidery and fabrics, also famous are their hats and toquilla straw articles, made by hand by local craftsmen.

The Mission Cross and The Master Plan

A Cross that was placed about 100 years ago, on a rock that springs from the mountain, on the hill closest to Principal. 10 years ago she was replaced by a priest of the Catholic Church and a group of young people. It is a short and good excursion to see an excellent view of this natural beauty. While walking the foothills of the mountain you will find archaeological remains, lagoons, animals and exotic and native birds.

The Two Encounters

Los Dos Encuentros, very close to Principal located almost at the foot of the Fasayñan Volcano. The meeting of two natural friends that together form one; the Río Burra Beach and the Río Blanco joined together forming the river called Río Zhío. This place is excellent for putting into practice your relaxation and meditation exercises, accompanied by the sound of the waters and the singing of the birds.

Typical food of Chordeleg

Then, the preparation of dishes that have traditionally been consumed by the population and respond to a form of food based on what produces the land and animals that can be raised in the area: well, the pig, the guinea pig, the trout ( it is last in the high zones) the corn and the infinity of plates that prepare with this one, the beans, beans, peas, barley, oats, etc. the routes like the apple, the peach tree, the capulí, the queen claudia, the saxuma, the sixalon, the pear, among many others that the earth produces.
Then, we can usually taste dishes like:

  1. Baked in a wood oven, accompanied by the "llapingachos" the "cascaritas" the pork stew, accompanied by mote, salad and aji.
  2. The guinea pig with potatoes and peeled mote.
  3. The beans with cheese.
  4. The sweet "morocho" with corn, wheat or "corn" tortillas.
  5. The trout fried with peeled mote and salad.
  6. The preserves and infinity of sweets prepared with fruits.
  7. The "mote pata"
  8. The sweet of figs and peaches in carnival.
  9. The "fanesca" in Easter.

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Ecuador and its unique charms.

4 worlds in one place, so you can enjoy them to the fullest...!

Ecuador country of 4 worlds, in one place...!

Ecuador, officially called the Republic of Ecuador, is a sovereign country located in the northwestern region of South America. Bordered on the North by Colombia, Northwest with Peru, to the South and to the East with the Peru. The Pacific Ocean bathes the western coast, and separates it from the Galapagos Islands located thousand kilometers to the West.

Soo close Quito the capital of the Andes, stands the Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano in the world. It is currently one of the most traditional and culturally better preserved on the planet, it has 5 nominations for the Cultural heritage of humankind, two natural heritage of humanity and over 20 candidates for other commemorations of the Unesco .

History of the Ecuador

The first human settlements in Ecuadorian territory date back to 12 000 to.C., subsequently developed several pre-Columbian peoples. After the definitive independence from Spanish rule, part of the territory joined quickly the Gran Colombia, while the coastal territory remained independent until the annexation by manu militari by Simón Bolívar. In 1830 the Colombian territories of the South seceded and created the Ecuadorian nation.In 1979, the country returned to democratic system, although political instability between 1996 to 2006 led the country into an economic, political and social crisis, resulting in the dollarization of its economy and toppled three Presidents before the end of its mandate.

The Ecuador culture

Rag dolls representing the indigenous culture of Ecuador is a multi-ethnic and multicultural nation.It should consider the ethnic and regional diversity of Ecuador to analyze their culture. Ethnically it is marked by the presence of mestizos and indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorian, white; as well as regions such as the coast, the sierra, the East and the insular region, all of them with very rich specificities.

The Ecuador climate

The country has a tropical and humid climate, the air quality is very good by the presence of large natural forests, national parks, and the Amazon rainforest.

Geography of the Ecuador

Ecuador is located on the terrestrial Equator by which its territory is located in both hemispheres.The country has an area of 283,561 square kilometers. It is divided into four natural regions (La Costa, Sierra, the Amazon and the Insular region or Galapagos), in turn is divided administratively into 24 provinces.
In the Pacific coast are the provinces of Esmeraldas, Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, Santa Elena and El Oro.In the Andes, in the North and central are Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Chimborazo, in the South are Bolivar, Cañar, Azuay and Loja.In the Amazon, on the other hand are succumbing, Napo, Pastaza, Orellana, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe and in the island, the Galapagos Islands, made up of 13 main islands region.

The Ecuador economy

Ecuador is a major exporter of bananas (first place worldwide in its production and export), flowers, and the eighth World producer of cocoa.Petroleum accounts for 40% of exports and contributes to maintaining a positive trade balance.

Festivals in the Ecuador

  • Easter, many of the provinces celebrated on this date, with regional events.
  • November 2, the Difuntos.
  • 25 of December day, they celebrate Christmas, sharing in family.
  • 331 December, farewell of the year.

Regions natural of the Ecuador

Amazon rainforest, Andes mountains, Costa and the Galapagos Islands.

Ecuador national parks

Parque Nacional Yasuní, Cotopaxi, Sangay National Park, National Park Podocarpus, El Cajas National Park, National Park Machalilla National Park.

Languages spoken in Ecuador

Ecuador speaks the Spanish throughout the territory, also Quechua indigenous populations of the Sierra and the Amazon, but as it is a country with a tourist infrastructure in development, can be guides in several languages; It is possible to speak in English at the points of attention to tourists called "iTur"; created by the Ministry of tourism also in airports, Bus Terminal, municipalities and others find information points.

Shopping in Ecuador

We recommend going to the handicrafts market of Otavalo, located about 2 hours (120 km) of Quito city, there you can get variety of souvenirs and handicrafts that are found in the rest of the Andean region.And don't forget Cotacachi, a town with cute works in leather of high quality.
In the city of Cuenca also can be purchased pottery, textiles, jewelry, crafts in toquilla straw, wrought iron, etc.

Food typical of the Ecuador

Ecuador has a variety of typical food, in each of the natural regions, such as Costa, Sierra and East have their own typical food, in the East can eat a Chontacuro (worms grilled on skewer), in the Sierra you can eat a delicious "fry pork", a hornado, llapingachos, the Guinea pig, the classic "sing" in Cuenca, and a fish coconut coast, prieta salt, green bolon or ceviche de concha and many more dishes.In Manabi most importantly the food is tanning with lemon and fresh fish.

  • Pope locro, is a stew with squash, beans, corn or potatoes.
  • Roast Cuy or Guinea.
  • Cebiche or ceviche, this dish is very consumed in the coastal area.
  • Encebollado, is a stew of fish containing Yucca and pickled red onions.
  • Cuy or Guinea pig, is usually roasted.
  • Bolón de pescado
  • Bolón, is based green bananas broiled or fried previously.
  • Fritada is another delicious dish of Ecuador.Not be left confused by the name, is not a dish of fried meat.The meat of pig or pork is cooked in plenty of water and orange juice with cumin, garlic, onion, salt and pepper until the water has been consumed to be completed. Then the meat begins to Brown in its own fat. Also is it accompanied by mote (boiled maize).

Drinks and fun in Ecuador

There are many clubs and bars in constant renewal in the country.

  • A reference point for nightlife is Montañita where Sun, surf, beach and joy.
  • In Guayaquil, there are bars and clubs for all tastes.
  • In Quito, the area of fun, dancing, alcohol is known as the Mariscal. Current law restricts the opening of bars and nightclubs on holidays; the days Friday and Saturday until 2:00 am, on Sunday the sale of alcoholic beverages is limited.

Lodging in Ecuador

Ecuador has a good hotel infrastructure for all kinds of tourists, from Hostels up to Super exclusive luxury hotels such as the Hilton Hotel Oro Verde, Sheraton, Wyndham, Unipark, among others. All this is thanks to the good tourist development that has had the country in recent years.
If you need more information about where to stay, we recommend you to enter this link: Lodging in Ecuador and review the tourism infrastructure that exists in all of the Ecuador.

Tourism in Ecuador

Ecuador lies within the countries more diverse in its ecosystem and for this reason National Geographic categorized it within the top 10 tourist destinations in adventure.

Cultural in Ecuador tourist attractions

Historic center of Quito, Mitad del Mundo, Ingapirca ruins, historic centre of Cuenca, Latacunga, and much more.Come and visit Ecuador!

Natural tourist attractions in Ecuador

Galapagos Islands, National Park Yasuní, National Park El Cajas National Park Sangay, Parque nacional Podocarpus, Vilcabamba, bathrooms.
Glaciers and volcanoes: Antisana, Cayambe, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo Illinizas.El is the volcano and highest mountain of Ecuador, is the farthest from the center of the Earth, and «the point closest to the Sun». Its last known eruption is believed that you occurred around the 550 dC.
Beaches: Crucita, Atacames, Bahía de Caráquez, Esmeraldas, Manta, Salinas, Montañita

Alpayaku River Ecological Trail in Mera Pastaza

Enjoy contact with nature and fresh air on the ecological path of the Alpayaku river in the city of Mera Pronvincia de Pastaza

Review Information

Galapagos Islands

Extraordinary flora and fauna, a place you must visit...!

Galapagos Islands are worldwide known for their wide biodiversity and for being the point from where Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution.We present you 5 facts that perhaps you didn't know about the Enchanted Islands.

The term "Enchanted islands" first appeared on a map in 1589.Sailors nicknamed thus to the Galapagos Islands, by referring to these "appeared and disappeared", since due to the sea currents strong, access to the Islands was limited at certain times of the year. The nickname transcended over the years and today is still saying that the Islands are "delighted", but referring now to the great biodiversity of flora and fauna.

The Galapagos marine iguana, is the only species of reptile in the world that has managed to adapt to life under water.

The Islands are named for the giant tortoises that live there (the Galapagos word meaning turtle). This species can reach up to 16 hours a day to sleep and mainly feeds on cacti that grow there.

In keeping with the turtles, originally there were 15 species of giant tortoises in the Galapagos, unfortunately 5 of them are completely extinct, so there are only 10. The main threat of the turtles is the human being, who for years has been dedicated to hunting them for their meat and oil.

The Galapagos Islands were part of the second world war! During this war, the Government of Ecuador allowed the United States Government build a runway with strategic aims in the Islands.When the war ended, the Americans abandoned the place. That track currently serves as the main airport of the Islands, which welcomes the year thousands of passengers.