La Maná - Cotopaxi - Ecuador

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La Maná - Cotopaxi - Ecuador

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La Maná

It is a canton of the Province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Its cantonal head is the city of La Maná. It is located in the western natural region of the outer foothills of the Andes mountain range.

The Manna was an enclosure that belonged to the parish El Tingo of the Pujilí Canton for several years but due to its growth and development its inhabitants organized a pro-parochialization committee looking for a better future for their town until they finally achieved the cantonization of La Maná , thanks to the tenacious management of patriotic and determined men. Its immense forests, its gigantic plantations of banana, orito, yucca, cocoa, tobacco and coffee, as well as its strategic geographical location and its auriferous wealth, give it special characteristics that favor its development and give it a leading role in the economy of the country.

Relief of the canton La Maná

Morphologically it is located on a plain of foot of mountain range formed by alluvial deposits covered with ashes and volcanic sands of unknown origin. The cantonal head sits on an ancient alluvial terrace of the San Pablo River. It has several climatic floors that vary from subtropical to tropical (variable height of 200 and 1150 masl).
Climate of the Manna canton

The average annual temperature is 23º Celsius, observing that the months with the highest temperature are March and April with 28 to 30º and the lowest temperature is recorded in the month of July and it is 24 ° C. So it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes.

Flora of La Maná Canton

The vegetation that surrounds it corresponds to the Tropical Humid Forest and is characterized by the presence of tall trees such as laurel, wax palm, pambil, sande, tagua, tangaré, which sometimes reach 30 meters in height.

Fauna of the Manna canton

Among its fauna is the great variety of birds such as white herons, ducks, crows, parrots, several species of parrots, partridges, mountain pampas.

Hydrography of the La Maná canton

In hydrology, the canton is crossed by an extensive network of rivers, streams and estuaries, related to the Quevedo and Guayas basins. Among the most important: Guadual River, Quindigua River, important for its permanent and dangerous flow in the winter, Hugshatambo River, Guasaganda River, Manguilita River. The San Pablo River, which is born in the upper sector of the Cotopaxi Province, is the longest and largest of this network, with a length of 20 kilometers in the territory of the canton. To the southwest is the Chipe River, the El Moral, Chilingo and Calope Rivers, important for its length and flow, serves as the natural limit with the Pangua Canton.

Typical Foods of the Manna Canton

Corviche: It is prepared based on banana stuffed with fish with a rehash of colored butter with onion, ground peanuts, cumin, pepper, salt and cilantro.

Encebollado: Prepared with fish, cassava, onion, tomato, cilantro, chili, cumin, salt and served with onion and tomato tanning. It's perfect for the chuchaqui or the hangover.

Creole chicken broth: It is made with Creole chicken with special spices, it is served with cooked potatoes or yucca, all this flavored with cilantro and white onion.

Tourism Cantón La Maná

The 7 Cascades of the Zapanal

A paradise, spectacular view or a charming site as you can catalog these beautiful waterfalls due to the impressive fall of its crystalline and cold waters, in a totally unique environment; a refuge of rest where you will feel nature and breathe fresh air.

Here, you will not only be able to walk along clean paths, listen to the whistling of the wind and the chirping of birds, but to know trees like the "pachaco". The attractiveness of the seven waterfalls is natural, rich in fauna and flora in the middle of a tropical humid forest, ideal for adventure tourism and ecological meeting invites tourists to practice swimming rest and relax.

On the way to the waterfalls, tourists can admire the charm of its vegetation and fauna. The extensive banana trees lead to the Chorreras del Zapanal, the land of the seven waterfalls.

Origin of your name
Its name of 7 waterfalls is due to the same number of transparent waterfalls that exist in only one kilometer of mountainous extension and of corn crops, yuccas, oranges and bananas.

They are located just one hour from La Maná, 14 km away, by a secondary road that leads to Estero Hondo. From the enclosure the Envy is a 1 kilometer walk through the forest to the hill Olivita.

In one kilometer there are waterfalls.

The average annual temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

You can observe animals like guatusas and hares that in the middle of the thick vegetation pass from one place to another as if to offer a warm greeting to the visitors.

Regarding flora we find a large variety of large plants among which we can mention: orchids, bromeliads and sweet cane this is an eco-tourist alternative. The characteristic vegetation is that of humid forest.

• Sport fishing: You can also do sport fishing, in the Galope river, it is located twenty meters from the haciendas: Paraíso de la Envia and Enchanted Chorreras.

The seven waterfalls

• The first waterfall called "Chorrera San Martín": It is a 10 minute walk from the Galope river bridge. Where you can take a break and observe how the water runs with force to form the river Gallop.

• The second waterfall "Chorrera Escondida": It is hidden among large stones, and on the right, there is the San Martín waterfall.

• The third waterfall "La Muerte": It is located a few minutes from the waterfall known as "Chorrera escondida", where you can drink water to quench your thirst. It has a height of approximately 80 meters.

• The fourth is the waterfall "El Amor", it is a refuge for the couple.

• The fifth waterfall "La cascada del tobogán", is located five minutes from the waterfall "El Amor"; It is the best of all is the favorite place for bathers for the natural slide that has been formed by the flow of water and where you can buy a ripe cheese, a glass of cola or a rice with chicken.

• The sixth and the seventh are called "The stone tub" and the "Stone of the repentant" from where the green landscape is observed and where the cool climate embraces the body of human beings inviting to return soon.

The region was an important bastion for the extraction of gold. Primitive families saw in this resource a possibility of subsistence that, in principle, was an artisan craft, but over time, it was taken advantage of by large foreign companies that technically exploited it for years. Today there are only traces of this industry, the sinkholes are now an archaic tourist site to visit.

Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná

A mystery or fantasy are the sensations that are perceived before such incredible phenomenon of nature, due to its large size, something amazing, the energy that can be felt to be in this natural refuge, its crystal clear waters, its huge rocks, place where You can breathe pure air that provides this beautiful and intriguing environment.

All this adventure can be lived in such an incredible waterfall, where we can also observe native flora and fauna, as well as listen to the sounds and songs of the existing species.

The Cascada del Oso is a great drop of crystal clear water. Where it offers a cozy atmosphere full of great energy that is observed by the clash of its waters against the rocks, it is a place rich in natural flora and fauna.
The fantasy mixes with reality in front of the great cascade of crystalline waters, which, due to its large size, the energy flows emanate from the clash between the stones and the strength of the vital liquid.

In addition, you can walk along trails where you can glimpse a magnificent native flora and fauna, as well as hear the sounds and songs of the existing species.

Location Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná
La Cascada el Oso is located or a few kilometers from La Mana canton.

Weather Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná
The average temperature is 25 degrees centigrade. Visits are preferable in summer, from July to September, which are the driest months for hiking to the rivers.

Flora Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná
In this place you can observe pajonales, gentians, alchemilas in small remnants of forest. There are also pumamaqui, romerillo and quishuar trees, along with the capulí, as well as grasses, mosses and lichens.

• Native Plants: Among the native plants we have grasses, quishuar, mosses and lichens.

Fauna Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná
Tigrillos and many species of birds have found an excellent refuge in these forests. In addition, you can easily find several mammals and birds. Mammals like: rabbits and deer; and birds like: quilicos, quindes and curiquingues.

Attractions Cascada del Oso Cantón La Maná
• A path surrounded by extensive banana trees leads to the Cascada, the warm city of La Maná, another destination offered by the province of Cotopaxi, in the center of the country.

• The waterfalls that draw people's attention, as well as the freshwater spas and the mysterious caves, are the natural attractions that complement the striking landscape full of abundant flora and fauna.

Other Attractions
• Ilinizas National Park: The Ilinizas National Park or Ecological Reserve is one of the young areas of the system; not very well known, but it is known that the biological diversity it conserves is very high, in part due to the great difficulty of entering its forests.

Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná

The Cave of the Murciélagos is a crack that is between bushes and offers the tourist two entrances; In this place there is a large number of bats hanging on the walls that are frightened and leave in terror when they feel the presence of people entering their refuge.

Next to the cave crosses a beautiful river like a small waterfall, in which the visitor can choose to take a break and enjoy its waters.

Darkness and a wet smell are the characteristics of this cave populated by families of bats. Naturally carved by the passage of time and the incessant fall of small water leaks, it offers the tourist an adventure difficult to forget.

The presence of tourists has increased in recent years, especially in the months of December, January, July, August and September which is the high season and in fewer numbers the months of February, March, April and May.

The cave inside is carved in a natural way and in its route you can feel something of fear or fear, which makes this adventure an unforgettable experience.

Location Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná
Cueva de los Murciélagos is 15 minutes from the city of La Maná, on the road to Latacunga.

Weather Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná
The average annual temperature is 23 ºC, observing that the months with the highest temperature are March and April with 28 to 30 ºC and the lowest temperature is recorded in the month of July and it is 24 ºC.

Fauna Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná
Within the fauna that can be found in its surroundings are several mammals and birds such as: rabbits, deer, chilica, Andean gulls, curved quinces and condors. In addition in this cave abound great amount of Bats.

Flora Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná
In the lower areas of the park are populated by some arboreal and shrub species among which stand out the pumamaqui, pine, capulí, valerian, rabbit ears, gentians, romerillo and quishuar.

Attractions Cueva de los Murciélagos Cantón La Maná
• Cascada de los Enamorados: It offers a challenge: to go through a 10-meter cave full of bats, only then can you enjoy the clean water of the Puembo River.

• Next to the cave of the bats crosses a beautiful river like a small waterfall, in which the visitor can choose to take a break and enjoy its waters.

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Ecuador and its unique charms.

4 worlds in one place, so you can enjoy them to the fullest...!

Ecuador country of 4 worlds, in one place...!

Ecuador, officially called the Republic of Ecuador, is a sovereign country located in the northwestern region of South America. Bordered on the North by Colombia, Northwest with Peru, to the South and to the East with the Peru. The Pacific Ocean bathes the western coast, and separates it from the Galapagos Islands located thousand kilometers to the West.

Soo close Quito the capital of the Andes, stands the Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano in the world. It is currently one of the most traditional and culturally better preserved on the planet, it has 5 nominations for the Cultural heritage of humankind, two natural heritage of humanity and over 20 candidates for other commemorations of the Unesco .

History of the Ecuador

The first human settlements in Ecuadorian territory date back to 12 000 to.C., subsequently developed several pre-Columbian peoples. After the definitive independence from Spanish rule, part of the territory joined quickly the Gran Colombia, while the coastal territory remained independent until the annexation by manu militari by Simón Bolívar. In 1830 the Colombian territories of the South seceded and created the Ecuadorian nation.In 1979, the country returned to democratic system, although political instability between 1996 to 2006 led the country into an economic, political and social crisis, resulting in the dollarization of its economy and toppled three Presidents before the end of its mandate.

The Ecuador culture

Rag dolls representing the indigenous culture of Ecuador is a multi-ethnic and multicultural nation.It should consider the ethnic and regional diversity of Ecuador to analyze their culture. Ethnically it is marked by the presence of mestizos and indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorian, white; as well as regions such as the coast, the sierra, the East and the insular region, all of them with very rich specificities.

The Ecuador climate

The country has a tropical and humid climate, the air quality is very good by the presence of large natural forests, national parks, and the Amazon rainforest.

Geography of the Ecuador

Ecuador is located on the terrestrial Equator by which its territory is located in both hemispheres.The country has an area of 283,561 square kilometers. It is divided into four natural regions (La Costa, Sierra, the Amazon and the Insular region or Galapagos), in turn is divided administratively into 24 provinces.
In the Pacific coast are the provinces of Esmeraldas, Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, Santa Elena and El Oro.In the Andes, in the North and central are Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Chimborazo, in the South are Bolivar, Cañar, Azuay and Loja.In the Amazon, on the other hand are succumbing, Napo, Pastaza, Orellana, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe and in the island, the Galapagos Islands, made up of 13 main islands region.

The Ecuador economy

Ecuador is a major exporter of bananas (first place worldwide in its production and export), flowers, and the eighth World producer of cocoa.Petroleum accounts for 40% of exports and contributes to maintaining a positive trade balance.

Festivals in the Ecuador

  • Easter, many of the provinces celebrated on this date, with regional events.
  • November 2, the Difuntos.
  • 25 of December day, they celebrate Christmas, sharing in family.
  • 331 December, farewell of the year.

Regions natural of the Ecuador

Amazon rainforest, Andes mountains, Costa and the Galapagos Islands.

Ecuador national parks

Parque Nacional Yasuní, Cotopaxi, Sangay National Park, National Park Podocarpus, El Cajas National Park, National Park Machalilla National Park.

Languages spoken in Ecuador

Ecuador speaks the Spanish throughout the territory, also Quechua indigenous populations of the Sierra and the Amazon, but as it is a country with a tourist infrastructure in development, can be guides in several languages; It is possible to speak in English at the points of attention to tourists called "iTur"; created by the Ministry of tourism also in airports, Bus Terminal, municipalities and others find information points.

Shopping in Ecuador

We recommend going to the handicrafts market of Otavalo, located about 2 hours (120 km) of Quito city, there you can get variety of souvenirs and handicrafts that are found in the rest of the Andean region.And don't forget Cotacachi, a town with cute works in leather of high quality.
In the city of Cuenca also can be purchased pottery, textiles, jewelry, crafts in toquilla straw, wrought iron, etc.

Food typical of the Ecuador

Ecuador has a variety of typical food, in each of the natural regions, such as Costa, Sierra and East have their own typical food, in the East can eat a Chontacuro (worms grilled on skewer), in the Sierra you can eat a delicious "fry pork", a hornado, llapingachos, the Guinea pig, the classic "sing" in Cuenca, and a fish coconut coast, prieta salt, green bolon or ceviche de concha and many more dishes.In Manabi most importantly the food is tanning with lemon and fresh fish.

  • Pope locro, is a stew with squash, beans, corn or potatoes.
  • Roast Cuy or Guinea.
  • Cebiche or ceviche, this dish is very consumed in the coastal area.
  • Encebollado, is a stew of fish containing Yucca and pickled red onions.
  • Cuy or Guinea pig, is usually roasted.
  • Bolón de pescado
  • Bolón, is based green bananas broiled or fried previously.
  • Fritada is another delicious dish of Ecuador.Not be left confused by the name, is not a dish of fried meat.The meat of pig or pork is cooked in plenty of water and orange juice with cumin, garlic, onion, salt and pepper until the water has been consumed to be completed. Then the meat begins to Brown in its own fat. Also is it accompanied by mote (boiled maize).

Drinks and fun in Ecuador

There are many clubs and bars in constant renewal in the country.

  • A reference point for nightlife is Montañita where Sun, surf, beach and joy.
  • In Guayaquil, there are bars and clubs for all tastes.
  • In Quito, the area of fun, dancing, alcohol is known as the Mariscal. Current law restricts the opening of bars and nightclubs on holidays; the days Friday and Saturday until 2:00 am, on Sunday the sale of alcoholic beverages is limited.

Lodging in Ecuador

Ecuador has a good hotel infrastructure for all kinds of tourists, from Hostels up to Super exclusive luxury hotels such as the Hilton Hotel Oro Verde, Sheraton, Wyndham, Unipark, among others. All this is thanks to the good tourist development that has had the country in recent years.
If you need more information about where to stay, we recommend you to enter this link: Lodging in Ecuador and review the tourism infrastructure that exists in all of the Ecuador.

Tourism in Ecuador

Ecuador lies within the countries more diverse in its ecosystem and for this reason National Geographic categorized it within the top 10 tourist destinations in adventure.

Cultural in Ecuador tourist attractions

Historic center of Quito, Mitad del Mundo, Ingapirca ruins, historic centre of Cuenca, Latacunga, and much more.Come and visit Ecuador!

Natural tourist attractions in Ecuador

Galapagos Islands, National Park Yasuní, National Park El Cajas National Park Sangay, Parque nacional Podocarpus, Vilcabamba, bathrooms.
Glaciers and volcanoes: Antisana, Cayambe, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo Illinizas.El is the volcano and highest mountain of Ecuador, is the farthest from the center of the Earth, and «the point closest to the Sun». Its last known eruption is believed that you occurred around the 550 dC.
Beaches: Crucita, Atacames, Bahía de Caráquez, Esmeraldas, Manta, Salinas, Montañita

Tungurahua Volcano in Banos Ecuador

The Tungurahua volcano, a tourist place in Baños de Agua Santa, which belongs to the Sierra region of Ecuador, presents a unique spectacle, although it announces to the villagers its greatness and destruction in the case of a strong eruption

Review Information

Galapagos Islands

Extraordinary flora and fauna, a place you must visit...!

Galapagos Islands are worldwide known for their wide biodiversity and for being the point from where Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution.We present you 5 facts that perhaps you didn't know about the Enchanted Islands.

The term "Enchanted islands" first appeared on a map in 1589.Sailors nicknamed thus to the Galapagos Islands, by referring to these "appeared and disappeared", since due to the sea currents strong, access to the Islands was limited at certain times of the year. The nickname transcended over the years and today is still saying that the Islands are "delighted", but referring now to the great biodiversity of flora and fauna.

The Galapagos marine iguana, is the only species of reptile in the world that has managed to adapt to life under water.

The Islands are named for the giant tortoises that live there (the Galapagos word meaning turtle). This species can reach up to 16 hours a day to sleep and mainly feeds on cacti that grow there.

In keeping with the turtles, originally there were 15 species of giant tortoises in the Galapagos, unfortunately 5 of them are completely extinct, so there are only 10. The main threat of the turtles is the human being, who for years has been dedicated to hunting them for their meat and oil.

The Galapagos Islands were part of the second world war! During this war, the Government of Ecuador allowed the United States Government build a runway with strategic aims in the Islands.When the war ended, the Americans abandoned the place. That track currently serves as the main airport of the Islands, which welcomes the year thousands of passengers.